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The Well Pet Clinic
Hours Sometime Vary, Call Ahead If You Are Coming In

Southern Maryland Vet Pet Care Services
St Marys, Calvert and Charles Counties


The Well Pet Clinic is a full service Clinic offering the latest in medical and preventative health care services:

  • Basic Preventative Health Care
  • Some Skin & Ear Infections
  • Vaccinations
  • FELV / FIV and Heartworm Testing

  • Puppy and Kitten Care
  • Spaying and Neutering
  • Heartworm, Tick and Flea Prevention

Cat Vacinations So MD

Yearly Adult Dog and Cat Exams

Yearly care for adult animals include physicals, vaccinations, heartworm check & prevention for dogs, and fecal exams. Lyme's vaccine and rabies vaccinations are also available here. Rabies vaccinations are also available here.


Appointments for surgeries are available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Appointments for routine vaccinations and other minor health concerns (ear or skin infections, etc.) are available Mondays 9am - 2pm, Thursdays Noon - 7pm, and two Saturday mornings a month. All visits require an appointment.

Surgery Fees (start at the following):

Dog Spay* $130.00
Dog Neuter* $125.00
Cat Spay $75.00
Cat Neuter $55.00

*under 5 months, under 35 pounds

Additional Surgeries with above are:

  • Umbilical Hernia
  • Deciduous Teeth
  • Dewclaws
Well Pet Clinic


Well Pet Clinic carries great selections of pet food and supplies, including:

  • Dental Care Products
  • Flea & Tick Control by Advantix, Bravecto, Catego
  • Hills Prescription Diet Dog & Cat food
  • Heart Worm Preventative by Tri-Heart, Interceptor and Iverhart

So MD Healthy Dog Food

So MD Healthly Cat Food

Lexington Park Vet

Dog Nail Clipping St Marys

Cat Surgeries St Marys

Animal Relief Fund Rescue

Animal Relief Fund

In addition to the above services, The Well Pet Clinic sponsors the Animal Relief Fund, our 501C3 nonprofit animal rescue. Adoption days are every Saturday from 11am - 3pm. Please visit or call the Clinic for your pet needs. To preview our available pets, Click Here.

To see other pets available for adoption, Click Here.

  • Our primary concern is affordable preventive pet care which helps people keep their pets.
  • Well Pet highly recommends spaying or neutering your pets to prevent several health and behavioral problems
  • Well Pet highly recommends spaying or neutering your pets.
  • The pet population is a serious problem.
  • Low Cost surgeries help towards solving this problem.

petfinder adoption

Dog Flea Tick Collars So MD

Hills Science Diet
Hills Prescription Diet